The following two publications have been produced by the ETO Consortium Secretariat. The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the ETO Consortium as such or of its members; the responsibility is with the author who tried to capture many discussion inside and outside the ETO Consortium.
When discussing ETOs with States – but also sometimes with the human rights community – ETO defenders often face some legal and doctrinal misunderstandings that need to be tackled. One of these misunderstandings relate to the attempted reduction of States’
obligations to territory.
The following fourteen misconceptions are frequently encountered when discussing ETOs. This booklet aims to give grounded counter-arguments.
Read the booklet here.
This booklet is meant primarily for public officials and their advisers working in international relations. It could, of course, be useful for everybody else concerned with international affairs. Its purpose is to trigger thought and discussion about the added value of extraterritorial human rights obligations for international policies. This booklet will show that ETOs in the area of human rights are useful tools for States even beyond the area of immediate human rights concerns. The public interest, nationally and globally, can benefit from the application of ETOs. These obligations are fundamental to bring about a world that most people aspire.