What we do

The Consortium’s work consists first and foremost of the individual and collective efforts of its members to advance the implementation of ETOs in their respective areas of work.

The ETO Consortium – and its website – are meant to assist CSOs, academia, social movements and States in mainstreaming and applying extraterritorial human rights obligations (ETOs) in their work.

One concrete objective therefore consists in knowledge sharing and capacity building around ETOs – for members and non-members of the Consortium. This can concern different topics, (policy) fields or contexts that relate to ETOs (such as climate crisis, development cooperation, economic sanction, financialization, illic financial flows, mirgation & asylum policies, transnational corporations, trade and investment, etc.) but also the different human rights systems (the universal one or the regional ones) and how to use them.

The ETO Consortium also fosters collaboration amongst members on specific processes or cases, and particularily between academics on the one side and CSOs and social movements on the other. In this regard, there will soon be a particular section on this website regarding the “ETOs in practice” project that aims at giving academic support to CSOs and social movements in their concrete ETO-related work.