
This section allows you to access several publications on extraterritorial obligations.

At this stage, you will be able to see publications by the ETO Consortium as well as compilations edited by academics (most of whom are members of the ETO Consortium).

Note! We will shortly have larger databases available: a collection of articles and books by academics. And at later stage two databases bringing together ETO-related publications by civil-society organizations and UN pronouncements on ETOs.

Beneath, you can access key publications: those by the ETO Consortium, all open access articles of the Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations, as well as some other useful articles.

Filling Gaps in International Human Rights Law to Address Global Land and Resource Grabbing. Extraterritorial Human Rights Law Obligations of States and the Rights of Future Generations

Filling Gaps in International Human Rights Law to Address Global Land and Resource Grabbing. Extraterritorial Human Rights Law Obligations of States and the Rights of Future Generations

Traditionally, human rights law (treaties in particular) applies only to the territories of states that have ratified such treaties, and only states are legally bound by these agreements. Yet, as a result of processes of globalization and the conduct of states, corporate actors and international organizations, including their involvement in land and resource grabbing, increasingly […]
Conclusions. The future of extraterritorial human rights obligations – The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations

Conclusions. The future of extraterritorial human rights obligations – The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations

The concluding chapter of the Research Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations explores the challenges ahead for human rights law and public international law in responding to border-defying challenges such as climate change and pandemics in ways that effectively provide human rights protections to individuals and communities. To realize the promise and potential of human […]